Bilingual Poetry Renaissance in Houston 20 Groups Unite to Celebrate Poesia in Spanish & English
by Tony Diaz on 10/10/17
Bilingual Poetry Renaissance
in Houston
20 Groups Unite to Celebrate Poesia in Spanish & English
HOUSTON, TX - October 10, 2017 - Now that the ban of Mexican American Studies has been overturned in Arizona, there is a Renaissance of Latino literature across the Southwest. In Houston, this means Nuestra Palabra: Latino Writers Having Their Say, founded in April of 1998, can turn its attention from smuggling books as Librotraficantes, to celebrating poetry in English and Spanish.
This month 20 groups unite to celebrate bilingual poetry in Spanish and English as part of the annual Houston Poetry Fest. Each organization involved contributes in some way, shape, or form to bilingual literature throughout the year. This ranges from informal meetings to discuss different works, to the weekly radio show Nuestra Palabra: Latino Writers Having Their Say on 90.1 FM KPFT, to the new PhD in Creative Writing in Spanish at the University of Houston.
This is the first time each one of these groups comes together-but it won't be the last. Join us as the Houston Latino Literary Renaissance kicks into high gear.
"This is our first major literary event since the overturning of the ban of Mexican American Studies in late-august," said Tony Diaz, El Librotraficante, founder of Nuestra Palabra. "Hurricane Harvey put a damper on one of the most important civil rights cases of our era. It also curtailed Hispanic Heritage Month festivities. It's beautiful to see Houston come together to celebrate our literature. This truly is a Renaissance."
Who: 20 Organizations
What: Celebration of Bilingual Poetry in Spanish and English
Mujeres Malas Reveal & Pop-up Art Show.
When: Wednesday, October 18, 2017.
6:00 p to 6:30 p: Featured bilingual poets readings in the "Cask of Amontillado."
6:30 pm: The Picture - All poets and prose writers, allies of Latino Lit are invited to stand in the 2017 Latino Lit Picture. Don't spend history wondering why you missed it. In the "Cask of Amontillado" first floor of Platypus Brewery.
Where: Platypus Brewing 1902 Washington Ave Suite E, Houston, TX 77007. Free.
Why: This Houston Poetry Fest satellite event celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month and the overturning of the ban of Mexican American Studies in Arizona.
Hosts, Tony Diaz, El Librotraficante and Lupe Mendez.
Featured writers:
From Dallas:
Sylvana Avila Alonzo
From Houston:
Vanessa Torres
Miriam Damaris Maldonado
Marlon Lizama
Jasminne Mendez
Majo Delgadillo
Natalia Trigo
Maria Palacios, THE FEMALE KING
Leslie Contreras Schwartz, FUEGO, and to be released NIGHTBLOOM & CENOTE
Mikaela Selley, Hispanic Collections and Oral
History Archivist
Dr. Lorena Gauthereau, CLIR/DLF-Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage and US Latina/o Digital Humanities
Mujeres Malas Reveal & Pop-up Art Show.
Nuestra Palabra: Latino Writers Having Their Say
Tintero Projects
Houston Poetry Fest
Arte Público Press
Casa de las Americas
First Fridays
PhD Creative Writing Spanish. University of
Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston
Public Library
Conversing Through Poetry
El Circulo Literario Cervantes-Shakespeare
Flamenco Poetry Society
Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage
and US Latina/o Digital Humanities
Casa Ramirez Folklife Gallery
Mujeres Malas
Multicultural Education and Counseling Through the Arts - MECA
Talento Bilingue de Houston - TBH
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